Fine Spring weather. Little colder. Richard went to the shop, had little work. Had to take a picture book to pieces at home for it was all pasted to gether and he had to soak it in the washtub. Was a quite a sight, hangen on the washline. Martha ironed in the forenoon. We both went out for a walk at about 1/2 past three, visited Mrs. W. Striker and walked down Pleasant St to look at a tenement. Only saw it on the outside and left, dissatisfied. Walked back & up Main St to State. There Martha went home and R. to the shop looking for work, mail & paper. Spent evening at home reading & writing. Our neighbors, “Rocketts” are going to move day after to morrow. We soon to may move. We long ago would have done it so, if only R. work was more certain. Hoping, in vain, for better times to come. Had pork & Sauerkraut for diner. Received mail from Springfield, stating that R. is got to pay his taxes there. It looks more like a coming war than ever.