March 18, 1898

Fine weather. Richard went to the shop, had 1/2 a days work. Will work to morrow, properly all day. Martha went out for a walk, after diner, exchanged Books in the library, came to the shop. Then went with Mrs. Ch. Smith to the meat market and took her home. Wrote a letter to the New York World, advert. for a position in next sundays paper. Business dont seems to pick up at all, great promises but nothing substantial. The items Richard wrote yesterday are in to nights paper. The snow is most gone now and we expect to have nice weather continued. Martha is got a headache. The poor girl got lots of ailments. I wonder if she ever gets trough. Had baked beans for dinner. M. went to Lees to get the Water kettle back, but he wasn’t done yet, well, she is got to go again.