fine weather. I went to work. Make better business with papers now. Hired boys to peddle them on the road. Expect a big sale to morrow. The officialle report is here from Commodore Dewey. Reports are confirmed that the Phillipine Islands are in the hands of the Americans. It was a good job of our blue jackets. Martha went to Easthampton this P.M. Got books to be rebound for Mr. Miller, super. of schools of E. H. Gave me a little company in the shop and then delivered a book to Mrs. Treskan at 50 college Lane. Spent a part of the evening on our book plusse reading. It was a fine evening. Will be nice to morrow. Must get up early to sell my sunday papers. Martha went shopping alone. Bought chops for sunday and liver for monday. Had pancakes for diner. Awaited a letter from Mama but got badly left. Expect them to visit us soon.