October 17, 1898

Fine bright autumn weather, not quite as windy as yesterday, but still to much so for our prince. Martha is feeling well to day, only her breast bothers still. I finished 2 window seats to day and delivered them. The girls promissed to pay to morrow and I hope they’ll keep their word. Brought away some goods which was started in my shop and delivered the books to Belding Bros. Not any money came in to day, but I paid out $10.00 & got to pay interest & shop rent to morrow. I dont know as yet where to get the money from. Wrote letters to day to the Union, Belchertown Library, White Son Co., the Hang Co, & E.J. Carroll ordering goods and paid little bills. Made a box for my own use to put in types, which are my private property, that is to say, they dont belong to the goods, mentioned in the bill of sale. Martha did most of her washing to day and is now fairly tired out, and no wonder. I would not let her doing it, so she persisted & I had to shut up. Work is slack now, but I got hope for more.