November 30, 1898

Cloudy with little snow fall, windy in the afternoon. Took in 65 cts. to day, delivered a library book, finished the voter lists and delivered the bill to E. O. Clapp. Wrote letters to the Hang Co., White…Co, and Am. Germ. Publ. Co. Frizzell mailed this letters for me. Received a letter from Bartlet, Ludlow, saying that it is to far, to send work up here. I expected him to come up to see me, but he wants me to call on him. Martha has got a headache to day. I think she never gets acustomed to closed rooms, we must go in the country soon, to live there for good. Played a few games of domino to night. Baby is feeling well, sleeps, however, the most the time. Fetch’d home a little work for Martha, a few books to be sewed. It was getting warmer towards evening and propably will clear of the snow and change for better, only the real winter sets in.