Weather warm & nice, only a little windy, so we could not take Baby out. He was rather uneasy to day. The poor little fellow must have some trouble inside which we could not decide on yet, his excrements are green and is a hard job for him to clean out. We may give him a little Caraway tea to night or to morrow morning. Martha is feeling comparatively good this day, a little back ache seems to depart. We played two games of domino to night, which I both lost. Received a little job from Mr. E.O. Clapp to day, which I will finish to morrow. Expected a letter from home, but got left, so we hope to get company on sunday next. Ch. Gramwell got back from Conecticut and visited me to day. Promissed work from Easthampton did not come in. As yet, neither have I any idea when the city reports come, I hope soon, for there is more work in sight.