May 11, 1898

A rainy day is past, and it looks like more. Well, let it come. May ought to be wet & cold as he is. Got up to early. Paper sold bad this morning. Did a little shop work and made myself a new stand for my outdoor sale of papers and magazines. One of my boys cheated me out of ten cents, he took a few papers, and boy and papers I never saw again. Well, let them go. I expected Martha in the shop, but she did not show up, was afraid for the rain. Agrees. Evening papers are full of last nights meeting and the peoples got something to talk. The different lawyers are working like beavers to catch a fat job out of that bank business. Martha visited Mrs. Grenier to day. Got presented with some house plants. Had barley and Beef for dinner. News got here that the long waited for Spanish fleet didn’t come, but got back in home waters. The are evitendly afraid for the Yankees.