August 15, 1898

Got up in time. Helped Martha to get theyr washing in working order. Got fine weather and not to hot. Paper business was rotten. Received more work. Received a check from Forbes Library and paid the News Co., Carley & Heffernan. Must have more money or die. Will sell out or give up Paper business, for Martha soon goes home to await her confinement so I would like to have a chance to go out Sundays to see how she is getting along. Received a letter from Mama, some bills and a letter from a Springf. lawyer. Piper will bring suit to recover 16 dollars for work done on my ruling machine. I will refuse payment, because the machine is not yet in working order. Got a Tax bill for the amount of $8.20. Dont know yet, how I can pay it. Money is to scars.